Glossary OF TERMS
Multimodal Accessibility: Transportation system that accommodates multiple modes of travel, including automobile, transit, bicycles and pedestrians.
Urban Form: The physical aspects of an urban place, emphasizing building types, frontages, roads, streetscape and open space.
Catalyst Areas: Focal points of the community and places where regional or local services are concentrated. They are the hubs where transportation networks converge to create a high level of accessibility and where people gather for social interaction.
Neighborhood Center: Low intensity retail, office and/or civic uses located at or near the center of a neighborhood pedestrian walk shed (generally a one-half mile radius).
Community Center: Moderate intensity neighborhood oriented retail, office and/or civic uses serving approximately four neighborhood pedestrian walk sheds (generally a one-half mile radius).
Urban Center: High intensity mixed use development, including regionally oriented office, retail and/or civic use and high intensity residential development.
Community Gateway: Gateways announce arrival to a general area. Community gateways identify separate districts or neighborhoods within the Neck area.
Regional Gateway: Gateways announce arrival to a general area. Regional gateways identify arrival into the Neck area for travelers from other areas or regions.
Intermodal Station: A transportation center that accommodates a variety of transportation choices in one location, including intercity bus, intercity train (Amtrak), regional and local bus and/or transit, taxis and rental cars.
Urban Form: The physical aspects of an urban place, emphasizing building types, frontages, roads, streetscape and open space.
Catalyst Areas: Focal points of the community and places where regional or local services are concentrated. They are the hubs where transportation networks converge to create a high level of accessibility and where people gather for social interaction.
Neighborhood Center: Low intensity retail, office and/or civic uses located at or near the center of a neighborhood pedestrian walk shed (generally a one-half mile radius).
Community Center: Moderate intensity neighborhood oriented retail, office and/or civic uses serving approximately four neighborhood pedestrian walk sheds (generally a one-half mile radius).
Urban Center: High intensity mixed use development, including regionally oriented office, retail and/or civic use and high intensity residential development.
Community Gateway: Gateways announce arrival to a general area. Community gateways identify separate districts or neighborhoods within the Neck area.
Regional Gateway: Gateways announce arrival to a general area. Regional gateways identify arrival into the Neck area for travelers from other areas or regions.
Intermodal Station: A transportation center that accommodates a variety of transportation choices in one location, including intercity bus, intercity train (Amtrak), regional and local bus and/or transit, taxis and rental cars.